بالصور.. 62 شهيدا في مجزرة الشجاعية وتناثر الجثث في الشوارع

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بالصور.. 62 شهيدا في مجزرة الشجاعية وتناثر الجثث في الشوارع

قال مسؤولون فلسطينيون وشهود إن 62 فلسطينيا على الأقل قتلوا اليوم الأحد في قصف اسرائيلي لحي الشجاعية بقطاع غزة حيث تناثرت الجثث في الشوارع وفر الآلاف باتجاه مستشفى مكدس بالجرحى.

وترددت صرخات سكان يسألون عن ذويهم في باحة مستشفى الشفاء حيث تجمع سكان الحي في الوقت الذي رقدت فيه الجثث والمصابون على الأرض الملطخة بالدماء.

وفي المستشفى قال رجال كبار في السن إن الهجوم الإسرائيلي هو الأعنف منذ حرب عام 1967 عندما احتلت إسرائيل غزة.

وقال ناصر التتر مدير مستشفى الشفاء إن 17 طفلا و14 امرأة وأربعة من كبار السن كانوا بين 62 قتيلا وإن نحو 400 شخص أصيبوا في القصف الإسرائيلي.

وأعلن مسؤولو وزارة الصحة في غزة مقتل 403 فلسطينيين على الأقل كثير منهم من المدنيين وإصابة نحو 2600 آخرين في العملية الإسرائيلية التي بدأت قبل 13 يوما وتقول إسرائيل إنها بدأتها لوقف الهجمات الصاروخية التي ينفذها نشطاء عبر الحدود.
وفر الآلاف من حي الشجاعية بعضهم سيرا على الأقدام فيما تكدس الآخرون في شاحنات وسيارات امتلأت بعائلات تحاول النجاة.

وأظهرت لقطات فيديو حصلت عليها رويترز من أحد السكان نحو 12 جثة بينها ثلاث جثث لأطفال ملقاة في الشوارع. ولم يتسن التحقق من اللقطات من مصدر مستقل.

ومع بدء قصف الدبابات الإسرائيلية اتصل سكان الشجاعية بمحطات اذاعة محلية للمطالبة باجلائهم. وقال مسؤولو مستشفى إن غارة جوية على منزل خليل الحية القيادي الكبير في حماس أسفرت عن مقتل ابنه وزوجة ابنه واثنين من أحفاده.

وقال الجيش الإسرائيلي إن نشطاء في قطاع غزة الذي تهيمن عليه حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) ردوا بصواريخ مضادة للدبابات وبإطلاق نار من أسلحة ثقيلة في بعض من أعنف المعارك منذ شنت إسرائيل هجومها على غزة قبل 13 يوما.

وانهارت هدنة انسانية مدتها ساعتان في المنطقة كان الجانبان قد اتفقا عليها بطلب من اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر. وتبادل الطرفان الاتهام بالمسؤولية عن انهيار الهدنة.

واتهم الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس إسرائيل بارتكاب مجزرة وأعلن الحداد ثلاثة أيام.

وقال الجيش الإسرائيلي أنه عزز وجوده اليوم الأحد بهدف تدمير مخزونات الصواريخ وشبكة أنفاق كبيرة حفرتها حماس على طول حدود القطاع مع إسرائيل.
A masked Palestinian gunman moves across a rubble-strewn street in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in the Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS MILITARY CIVIL UNREST)

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY AND DEATHA Palestinian man pulls a body from a collapsed building in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in the Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) TEMPLATE OUT

Palestinians flee their houses in the Shejaia neighbourhood which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in the Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Palestinians flee their houses in the Shejaia neighbourhood which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in the Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Mohammed Salem (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY AND DEATHMedics carry a wounded Palestinian man through the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Palestinian medics carry a stretcher through the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in the Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Palestinian women react to explosions and gunfire in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

A Palestinian man carries children in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY AND DEATHThe body of a Palestinian woman, who medics said was killed during heavy Israeli shelling, is seen at her house in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Ali Hassan (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) TEMPLATE OUT

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY AND DEATHPalestinians evacuate the body of a woman, who medics said was killed during heavy Israeli shelling, at her house in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Ali Hassan (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST) TEMPLATE OUT

ATTENTION EDITORS - VISUAL COVERAGE OF SCENES OF INJURY OR DEATHThe bodies of dead members of a Palestinian family, whom medics said were killed during heavy Israeli shelling, are seen at their house in the Shejaia neighbourhood in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 62 Palestinians were killed on Sunday in Israeli shelling of the Gaza neighbourhood that left bodies strewn in the streets and thousands fleeing for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, Palestinian witnesses and officials said. The Israeli military said militants from Gaza's dominant Hamas group responded with anti-tank missiles and heavy weapon fire in some of the bloodiest fighting since Israel launched its Gaza offensive 13 days ago. The Israeli military also said Hamas had fired rockets and built tunnels and command centres in Shejaia and that it had warned locals to evacuate two days earlier.      REUTERS/Hassan Eslayeh (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CONFLICT) TEMPLATE OUT

Palestinians react after the death of their relatives, whom medics said were killed during heavy Israeli shelling in the Shejaia neighbourhood, at a hospital in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 62 Palestinians were killed on Sunday in Israeli shelling of the Gaza neighbourhood that left bodies strewn in the streets and thousands fleeing for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, Palestinian witnesses and officials said. The Israeli military said militants from Gaza's dominant Hamas group responded with anti-tank missiles and heavy weapon fire in some of the bloodiest fighting since Israel launched its Gaza offensive 13 days ago. The Israeli military also said Hamas had fired rockets and built tunnels and command centres in Shejaia and that it had warned locals to evacuate two days earlier.   REUTERS/Ahmed Zakot (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CONFLICT)

A medic helps a Palestinian in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in the Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

A charred motorcycle stands beside buildings damaged by shrapnel in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)

Palestinians react to destroyed homes in the Shejaia neighbourhood, which was heavily shelled by Israel during fighting, in Gaza City July 20, 2014. At least 50 Palestinians were killed on Sunday by Israeli shelling in a Gaza neighbourhood, where bodies were strewn in the street and thousands fled for shelter to a hospital packed with wounded, witnesses and health officials said. Militants kept up their rocket fire on Israel, with no sign of a diplomatic breakthrough toward a ceasefire in sight. REUTERS/Finbarr O'Reilly (GAZA - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)


ارتفاع شهداء مجزرة حي الشجاعية إلى أكثر من 50 شهيدًا ونحو 200 جريح

ارتفع عدد شهداء المجزرة الإسرائيلية البشعة التي ارتكبتها إسرائيل في حي الشجاعية شرق مدينة غزة اليوم إلى 50 فلسطينيًا وإصابة نحو 200 آخرين فيما لا يزال العشرات تحت الأنقاض .
وأفادت مصادر طبية في القطاع أن حصيلة الشهداء منذ بدء العدوان بلغت 410 شهداء بينهم 50 شهيدًا على الأقل و200 جريح في حي الشجاعية .
وأوضحت أنه من بين الشهداء عدد من الأطفال والنساء , مشيرة إلى أن عدد الجرحى منذ بدء العدوان بلغ ثلاثة آلاف وأن الغالبية العظمى من مجموع الشهداء والجرحى مدنيون .

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